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Gym |
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Sports |
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Library |
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Laboratories |
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Seminar Hall |
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IT Infrastructure |
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Guest Room |
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Canteen |
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Play Ground |
Others Activities-
- The grievances of employees if any are effectively resolved by principal and CDC which has representative of teachers and non-teaching staff.
- To enhance the professional development of teaching staff the college encourages them to participate, present paper in national and international conferences /seminars.
- The institution encourages the faculty to participate in orientation programmers and Refresher course and other short term course conducted by Academic staff college.
- The involvement in university activities such as valuation paper setting and representation on various committees is also encouraged.
- The non-teaching staff members are encouraged for upgrading their educational status.
- Seven members of non-teaching staff have done their graduation from YCM Open University one employee is doing post graduation.
- Seven employees have done MS-CIT, a short course in computer literacy by Maharashtra Knowledge commission.
- N.S.S. programmed officer has completed orientation programmed from 18 to 27 Nov.2010 and a Refresher course in N.S.S. is completed by programmer officer conducted during 11.2.2008 to 1.3.2008 at Ahamadhnagar . He has also attended state level conference on N.S.S.
- Mohan Gahanewr, Mandar Bhusari and Mr.Kapase Library staff member participated in regional workshop on library staff & Information Technology on 10th Jan 2010 at K.N.College Karanja.
- Mr.Mohan Gahanewar Participated in workshop on ‘Remedies for improvement in quality of office procedure’ on 6th Aug.2011 at Parvekar Mahavidyalaya Yavatmal.
- The institution motivate the employees to undergo various training and are also encouraged to participate in various courses.
- The employees are given facilities and conducive atmosphere to work and they are also motivated to perform their roles and duties with sincerity and responsibility.
- Academic performance Indicators under performance based Appraisal system for promotion under career Advancement scheme (CAS) for college teachers has been introduced and implemented according to UGC and university guidance.
- The teachers need to fill in the PBAS forms in prescribed proforma describing information about multiple activities.
- The head of department IQAC and principal monitor activities and verify the forms of appraisal.
- Though no professional agency is employed for conducting a Green Audit the college conducts the green audit of its campus and facilities every year to assess the environmental impact.
- The laboratory equipment, Generator and Air conditioners lead to the environmental pollution to some extent but the college has restricted the use of generators and Air conditioners to the minimum possible level.
- The college administration and local managing committee is keen on avoiding ways and acts creating pollution and other environmental impact.
- The college tries to assess the environmental impact during interactions with visiting faculty like prof. Virani , working with devotion for the last few years , on wild life conservation in the forests of Tipeshwar
- Energy conservation, plantation of tree saplings, plastic eradication, cleanliness drives, is various fields the college gives attention to make the campus Eco-friendly.
- Energy conservation-
- The College owns a campus of 11.5 acres and so classrooms, administrative blocks are constructed with proper ventilation which lets in the sufficient air and light and does not need unnecessary consumption of electricity for running lights and fans during working hours.
- The fans, lights of the classrooms have central controls in the office; this can help the employee to switch them off easily.
- Introducing C.F.L. light has contributed saving of electrical energy.
- The College inspires the faculty and students to avoid using automobiles at least for a day in a week.
Use of renewable energy-
- Though no units of renewable energy resources have been installed in college campus in near future college will search the option of using solar energy units where ever possible.
Water Harvesting –
- As the college is situated in a small place Ghatanji, surrounded by several hills which never has experienced water scarcity, college has not created a water harvesting unit but now it is planning to establish a water harvesting plant in the campus.
Check dam Construction-
- The college is in the heart of the city and there is no water stream in the campus however N.S.S. unit of college constructed ‘Kolhapuri Bandhara’ a particular type of check dam in an adopted village.
Efforts for carbon neutrality-
- The campus is made Eco-friendly by plantation of green tree. The dead leaves are not burnt on the other hand they are used as medium for vermin composting.
- The faculty and students are encouraged not to bring automobiles, cars and motor cycles at least for a day in a week.
Plantation –
- A garden has already been developed in college campus.
- The N.S.S. volunteers came forward for plantation in campus as well as in nearby villages.
- The medicinal plants are also planted and the students are made aware of their medicinal qualities.
- The horticulture department of Minimum Competency Vocational Course of the college developed and maintained a garden to demonstrate various horticulture related activities.